Questo è il sito della 5gg del Carso 2016, manifestazione di orienteering svolta a Trieste nel settembre 2016.
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La grotta gigante

Some discoveries show that there was an occasional human presence already in prehistoric times in the gallery currently used as the tourist exit of Grotta Gigante. From that opening the first known exploration of the cavern began in 1840, in the hope of finding the Timavo River (which runs underground in that area) and thus to solve the urgent problem…

High Patronage of the European Parliament

Mr Martin Schulz, President of the European Parliament, granted his High Patronage to our event. Here below his letter. Dear Mr Nardi, Thank you for your online application of 16 May 2016 requesting the patronage of the European Parliament for the international orienteering event “5 Days of Carso”, which will take place in Trieste, Duino-Aurisina, Sgonico and Gradisca d’Isonzo from…