Questo è il sito della 5gg del Carso 2016, manifestazione di orienteering svolta a Trieste nel settembre 2016.
Clicca qui per andare al sito del Comitato Fiso FVG oppure nascondi avviso


First press conference

img_1794This morning at 10.30 am at Skala agritourism near Trieste took place the first presentation press conference of the 5 days of Karst 2016.
The Vice-President of Regional Coni Francesco Cipolla, the Regional FISO President Mauro Nardi, the President of Altipiano Est District Marko De Luisa, the President of SSD Gaja and several others were present at the meeting, as well as some journalists and athletes.
The principal object of the conference was the event with specific references to the three races of Alpe Adria: Friday 23rd September at Padriciano-Gropada (WRE), Saturday 24th (Italian Long Championship WRE) and Sunday 25th (Italian Relay Championship), this last two at Sgonico.
At the end of the presentation a party has been offered to all the participants.


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