Questo è il sito della 5gg del Carso 2016, manifestazione di orienteering svolta a Trieste nel settembre 2016.
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Friuli Venezia Giulia only on “Best in Travel 2016” by Lonely Planet

The well-known Australian travel guide Lonely Planet has published its list of “must visit” places for 2016 as “Best in Travel”. Friuli Venezia Giulia, the only Italian region on the list, appears in fourth place after Transylvania, Western Iceland and the Viñales Valley. The only other Italian entry is Rome, for the fact of the Jubilee Year in addition to…

AAOC 2016 website is ready

With just under a year to go for Alpe Adria 2016 we are very happy to announce that the website is ready! Here you will find posted, as it becomes available, all information useful to you the athletes who have decided to participate in the events, and to friends who are interested in following the adventure, which is both ours and yours. The…